I seldom strike back, even if someone hits me first
I never feel hate towards members of my family
Even when my anger is aroused, I don't use strong language
If I am mad, I really let people know it
Sometimes I feel that I could injure someone
I will criticize someone to their face if they deserve it
I find that I cannot express anger at someone until they have really hurt me badly
Even when people yell at me, I don't yell back
At times I have a strong urge to do something harmful or shocking
I have many quarrels with members of my family
I don't feel guilty when I swear under my breath
Feeling angry is terrible
I have physically hurt someone in a fight
At times I feel like smashing things
I find it easy to express anger at people
My conscience would punish me if I tried to exploit someone else
I hardly ever feel like swearing
I couldn't hit anyone if I were extremely angry
I find it hard to think badly of anyone
I can think of no good reason for ever hitting anyone
I am rarely cross and grouchy
In spite of how my parents treated me, I didn't get angry
I could not put someone in their place even if they needed it
When I really lose my temper, I am capable of slapping someone
It's easy for me not to fight with those I love
If someone annoys me, I am apt to tell them what I think of them
It's useless to get angry
If someone crosses me, I tend to get back at them